Tag: Business School

How to get up to 90% of your training funded by Government

Higher education benefits the individual as well as society. Increased education leads to better jobs and opportunities for people, a more informed and stronger workforce and lower unemployment rates. Studies have shown that general living standards of whole communities can improve when education standards are higher and is more accessible. Unfortunately, in the past, further education has been out of...

Top 5 Hospitality Management Essential Qualifications

The hospitality management sector is a huge area, requiring an often diverse range of skills. The best business schools provide a strong mix of core hospitality management qualifications which cover the fundamental professional requirements. This training is well-structured to meet the multiple needs of the industry. Hospitality management basics Management roles in the hospitality industry tend to be considered purely...

What You Need To Know About Accounting Training

Accounting is the heart and soul of business. It includes all areas of business from small local businesses to giant global corporations. Accounting is the defining essence of trade, and includes all areas of commercial practice. Accounting training is therefore particularly important for aspiring businesspeople. If you’re looking at a future in finance and/or accountancy, accounting training at a good...

Big Issues In Training For Tomorrow

Training adds a lot of scope to professional potentials and multi skilling options for the diversified workplace of the future. Furthermore training mixed with internships or partnering with industry increases the students employment prospects tremendously. The job market is being completely transformed by technology and new work practices. Tomorrow’s professional will be a combination of businessperson, entrepreneur, and contractor. Advanced...