How to get up to 90% of your training funded by Government

Higher education benefits the individual as well as society. Increased education leads to better jobs and opportunities for people, a more informed and stronger workforce and lower unemployment rates. Studies have shown that general living standards of whole communities can improve when education standards are higher and is more accessible. Unfortunately, in the past, further education has been out of the financial reach of some people, but now, with the help of the State Government, a better education, and a better future, is within reach.

The Victorian Government has come up with a new initiative for 2010 to help make further education accessible for everyone who wishes to gain a higher qualification. From this year the Government will pay between 70 to 90% of the cost of your training in a government subsidised training provider. Due to this new funding attending business school, or any other approved training course, will be within reach for more students.

Previously the Victorian State Government granted funding to only a set number of training places, but under the new system all eligible students can be subsidised, depending on whether the facility is an approved training provider. There is now an unlimited number of government subsidised training places available to those who meet the criteria and this is an extremely positive development for students and employers alike. By ensuring further education is available to the wider community the job skills base will continue to grow and have a desirable snowball effect within the workplace.

Your first step would be to find out which training providers meets your course requirements and then ask them about funding eligibility and training options. It would be unwise to chose a course and a career path based on those training places that are government funded. Note that some training providers do not provide government subsidised training places, but there are other government grants that you may be eligible for.


To be eligible a student must meet the following criteria:

You must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or be a permanent resident of Australia or
be an East Timorese asylum seeker or
be a holder of a Temporary Protection Visa
you must be under 20 years of age on January 1st in the year in which the course starts or
you must be doing a Foundation level course or
you must be doing a qualification that is higher than any you already have or
you must be an employee accessing training under the Skills For Growth Program

Other criteria includes:

You must be between 20 and 24 years of age on January 1st in the year which the course starts and enrolling in a higher qualification than any you already have
be a retrenched worker and enrolling in a course in a higher qualification in any you already have or a Foundation level course.

Other Government grants that you may be eligible for include:

Returning to Work (up to $1000)
Assistance from Centrelink which includes Austudy/Abstudy (which can equal up to $493.90 per fortnight)
Qualify for Travel Concession Cards.

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