Should you study childcare in Australia? Read on to find out!
Did you know? Our English courses aren’t the only option for international students – all of our courses are open to students from overseas!
And that includes our childcare courses in Melbourne and Brisbane.
With almost 720,000 foreign students in 2019, there’s been a dramatic 11% increase in international students in Australia studying for roles in all sectors, including childcare.
Are you ready to study childcare in Australia? And importantly, is it right for you?
We can’t tell you for sure – however, we can give you the information you need to make that important decision for yourself!
So, is studying childcare in Australia the right choice for you to make for your future?
Why study childcare in Australia?
Australia is a great environment to learn
Stunning natural beauty. Bustling, lively cities. And of course, world-class educational institutions.
Yep, Australia really has it all!
You aren’t just here to learn and study – when you study overseas, you also want to experience other parts of the world, meet new people and enjoy your time.
And what better place to do that than in Australia?
Fully accredited childcare courses
Each childcare course in Australia – including the ones available at Academia – need to be fully accredited by the Australian Government first.
What does this mean for you?
Simple: when you study abroad in Australia with Academia, your course will be recognised not only all around Australia, but in a number of countries around the world.
Australian qualifications are recognised in many different countries – so if you choose to study childcare in Australia, you open up a whole world of opportunities… literally!
Comprehensive training
The Australian approach to childcare focuses on more than just how to look after children – it takes into account a huge range of important factors, as well as how you can positively influence these factors.
That includes:
- Stages of childhood development
- The development of gross and fine motor skills
- Emotional and social development
- Early literacy and numeracy skills
- Different theories about childhood
- Proper diet and nutrition
By taking each of these into consideration, childcare courses in Australia are able to create more well-rounded childcare workers.
That’s because you aren’t just looking after toddlers – you’re also playing a crucial role in their development and ensuring that they turn into healthy kids.
And to do that, you need a strong theoretical base that goes beyond teaching you how to prepare lunch or change a nappy!
Participate in a comprehensive work placement
Studying childcare courses in Australia includes a minimum 120-hour work placement in an accredited childcare facility – something not all countries require.
If you ask us, this is one of the biggest strengths of the Australian system!
You’re not only getting the opportunity to put everything you’ve learned as part of your childcare courses into practice, but you’ll also gain valuable first-hand experience that you can include in your resume.
- Each Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care – mandatory 120-hour placement
- Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care – mandatory 240-hour requirement
Plentiful job opportunities
Childcare is one of the most in-demand industries in Australia – and the world.
With more and more households around the world featuring two parents who work full-time, the demand for early childcare educators and childhood carers is only going to go up!
And that means:
- Plenty of job opportunities for you
- Career progression
- Promotion opportunities
So if your goal is not only to study a childcare course in Australia but live and thrive as well, childcare is the choice for you – there are overflowing job opportunities waiting!
Start your rewarding career with our childcare courses in Brisbane and Melbourne
So you’ve decided that you want to study overseas in Australia – specifically, you want to study childcare the Australian way.
Now for the final question: do you know where you’re going to study yet?
Finding the right institution can be a tough decision – luckily, our institute makes that decision easy.
With campuses in both Brisbane and Melbourne, as well as a range of childcare courses for every stage of your career, we can help you get where you want to go.
Certificate III in Early Childhood and Education Care
Learn all the necessary skills in working for a childcare facility when you enrol in the Certificate III in Early Childhood and Education Care.
This course provides you with the knowledge that you need to deal with day-to-day tasks of a childcare worker:
- Health and safety
- Dietary and nutrition
- Care and assistance
- Theories of childhood development
- Emergency first aid response
- Creating a positive and respectful relationship with the children
All of this is essential if you’re going to succeed in childcare – in addition to a love for children and education!
H3> Diploma of Early Childhood and Education Care
Thinking of starting your own family daycare centre or managing a team of childcare assistants?
You’ll need to enrol in our Diploma of Early Childhood and Education Care.
This nationally recognised certification teaches you high-level childcare skills, teaching you how to design and implement a curriculum that encourages and facilitates children’s learning and development.
Moving up to a management role requires different skills:
- Budgeting and timetabling
- An understanding of your legal requirements
- Program development
- Managerial training
Our Diploma focuses on building up these skills in addition to further hands-on skills.
The result? You come out the other end more qualified (and therefore, as a more attractive job candidate!)
Study childcare in Australia
Learn more about our childcare courses today
So you’re an international student who wants to know more about our childcare courses at Academia!
As a medium-sized institution, we always have time to help you and give you the information you need to make a choice.
Get in touch with us today, and we’ll be more than happy to help you understand the enrolment process and learn more about our childcare courses.
- Melbourne: (03) 9671 4755
- Brisbane: (07) 3001 5300
- International phone: +61 3 9671 4755
- Enquire online
Alternatively, click here to learn more about our enrolment process or read our blog to learn more about life as an international student in Australia.